Is your pressure washer carb compliant?

What you need to know – and what you can do.
We all know emissions matter. But did you know that California has over 16.7 million Small Off-Road Engines? These include leaf blowers, lawn mowers and pressure washers, to name a few. With the goal of further reducing emissions, the California Air Resource Board (CARB) recently signed legislation aims to ban the sale of all non-compliant SOREs by 2028, with zero emission requirements starting in 2024.
This is coming up fast! Are you ready?
Which engines are subject to the regulations?
The small off-road engine (SORE) category consists of off-road spark-ignition engines that produce 25 horsepower or less, including lawn & garden, industrial, commercial utility equipment, logging, airport ground support, golf carts, and specialty vehicles.
CARB approved a measure that requires most newly-manufactured small off-road engines such as those found in leaf blowers, lawn mowers pressure washers and other equipment be zero emission starting in 2024. Portable generators, including those in recreational vehicles, would be required to meet more stringent standards in 2024 and meet zero-emission standards starting in 2028.
The good news? We’ve got you covered!
North Bay Equipment/Pacific Bay Equipment has been working with our equipment manufacturers to be able to provide equipment that meets California regulations and that will be both powerful and great for the environment – and carb compliant pressure washers are available from us now!
2024 is coming up fast!
Ask yourself…
- Is your existing pressure washer is carb compliant?
- Are worried you’ll have to sacrifice cleaning performance?
- Want to get ahead of the game, and take a proactive approach to reducing emissions?
Our expert team will help you choose the right machine for your needs. We offer no-obligation no-cost consultations to help you determine the best and most cost-effective options for your business.